The Florida Plan

Dale Swanson 12-08-2004
The Florida Plan

You've probably heard about The Florida Plan. If not I shall explain. It all started in 12th grade. I was having an argument with a teacher over bums. Really just for the sake of arguing, didn't really care. But I was saying how I don't feel sorry for bums because they are the reason their lives are screwed up. I said if they really wanted to they could save up money and take a bus down to Florida and live a pretty sweet life. He asked me if I would want to live with no money in Florida, I said he was obviously missing the point, they would live better in Florida then they would in cold ass Philly.

But then I started to think about it. Living in Florida for free without a care in the world wouldn't be that bad. It might be better than my life. So I told him if he paid for my round trip bus ticket to there and back I'd go down there during senior trip week and live with no money, just what I begged for. He thought the idea was interesting, and was ok with paying for it. However he asked the assistant principle, who hates me for a reason that you should know, and of coarse he didn't approve. So then it died.

But the dream lived on in my heart. I did some research (by research I mean asking random people and just thinking about it), and I think it's a pretty solid idea. The Florida Project is the idea of testing it, the first experiment will consist of going down there for one week and coming back. I will use my normal real world finances to pay for the trip, and will bring almost nothing with me. The goal will be simply to survive (I think this will be plenty of a goal). The Florida Plan is the idea of doing it for life. Maybe as a bum, or maybe just leaving your regular life to do it.

The Florida Project

The Project will have to consist of a number of experiments to test the plan out. I'd like to have the first experiment be a normal vacation trip to the state of Florida, but we can't always get what we want. I've never been to Florida, and I'm pretty much basing my entire concept of it as a warmer Jersey Shore. This idea is probably quite wrong, and will probably result in my death one day, but oh well we all got to die some time, and this would be a pretty good story about how I died. The first experiment is the one week stay.



As of now this is the biggest mystery, and this is also going to be the biggest factor really on how this turns out. Having never been to Florida I have no idea of what a good choice would be. I'd like a place that isn't pure family, yet isn't a crime ridden cess pool. The generic place I say is Daytona Beach.



As I said above the only main goal would be to survive, without having to resort to the emergency money, or calling card. However I have some side goals I'd like to get done.

The Florida Plan

The Plan is the long term part. Basically if The Project turns out well, and I do a few more tests and they work well this would be the ultimate goal.



Unlike The Project, The Plan has set goals. Although I could just want to live if I choose to. At this point my begging skills should be pretty high, plus I should have a good idea of where to get my needs for cheap. This will give me a surplus of money, and a pretty nice life. I could leave it there, or I could try to find a job that would be willing to pay me well to work say 12 hours overnight. Ideally a job where I could get free food, fast food comes to mind. If I did this I could eat great, and buy all kinds of luxuries. Not having any bills or any real attachments means I would be spending every dime I make right back on me.

The thing is The Project is a long ways off. Testing is needed to see how this idea will pan out. Maybe I'll find getting a job without address and such to be impossible, yet I am able to bring in a good amount in begging, and have found cheap or free sources of food. The testing will really decide what the long term goals are for this. Also I'm tired of writing this.


Stuff I Wrote